Letter from a thankful mom

I wanted to share a letter that we recently received from a local mom whose children have been a part of a couple of the efforts supported and sustained by the local church through Kingdom Causes. It was so encouraging to me and I wanted to pass it along to you, our partners in this work. Thanks for your continued partnership!

Dear Ryan,

Thank you so much for touching the life of my son. Our conversations about what he is getting out of being a [part of Good Soil Industries (www.goodsoilindustries.org)] God is so amazing. It is causing him to conversate with me more about God. He said he has been praying again lately. That just did a great thing to my heart.

Your team has been touching my family’s life in such a way that I could not. [One of your volunteers] will be my daughter's mentor for a season of her life in an academy for 5 ½ months. She chose her because she is a leader at the Wednesday night Teen Bible study group on Eucalyptus ave.
My kids have had a hard life... fitting into the church setting has always been difficult for them, but because your team loves them as they are and where they are at, it seems to be doing a God thing that I can see. It is so soothing to my soul.
Thank you so very much for what you guys are doing in the lives of those that may seem untouchable. I am ever so grateful.