Miracles Happen

“Jay is yours God. Take care of him.”

These were some of the closing words of a post I made to this blog back in December 05. I had just had an encounter with "Jay" and was feeling rather hopeless about the whole Homeless Ministry we are involved with here in Bellflower. Addictions and negative family history are such enormous barriers that keep people enslaved in homelessness and poverty.

Well, I am SO happy and thankful to God that I can report that Jay has made some serious improvement thanks to God's work in his life via meaningful relationships with Christians! 39 days ago he called Eric, our new Homeless Services Coordinator and wanted help getting into one of the rehabilitation programs. We were able to house him for a few days in one of the trailers we had available while we called around and finally got him connected with the Salvation Army Bell Shelter.

This past weekend was Jay's first weekend pass and he spent some time hanging out at Calvary Baptist and with the Bellflower House Church. God is really working in his life! He was the recipient of the New Comer of the Month Award at the Shelter for his perfect attendance at classes and good attitude. What a change in his life. All thanks be to God!
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