The Lent
Prayer Guide


What is Lent?

Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024, marks the beginning of the Lent on the Christian calendar. Lent is a 40-day period leading up to Easter in which we are encouraged to join other believers around the world in a season of reflection and preparation for Good Friday and Easter. Why focus on reflection and preparation? Easter is the day of celebration honoring Christ’s resurrection from the dead. The reality of Jesus’ death and resurrection often get overshadowed by candy, bunnies, giving up coffee or social media, pretty dresses and food. Life is busy and distracting, but during Lent we are invited into an intentional time of reflection; reflection of who Jesus is, what His sacrifice means for each of us and how this shapes each day of our lives. We prepare; prepare for the time of celebration, acknowledging the time of immense celebration that Jesus’ sacrifice and conquering of death means that we are free. We are free from the sin that so easily entangles!  

What is the Lent Prayer Guide?

Last year, in preparation for Lent, KCB’s previous staff member, Manny Salgado, developed weekly guides to be used throughout the 40 days of Lent. Each guide was created to be used in tandem with a specific location within Bellflower and the surrounding community. Each week, a different spiritual practice was highlighted and used to invite the reader into a time of intimacy with Christ. This year, we encourage you to utilize these guides again as you engage in this season of reflection and preparation. Use these guides in the community, with your friends and families or on your own in times of connecting with the Savior.  Let these next 40 days be a season of reconnection with the heart of Christ.  

Week 1 - February 22 to February 28

Week 2 - March 1 to March 7

week 3 - March 8 to March 14

Week 4 - March 15 to march 21

Week 5 - March 22 to March 28

Week 6 - March 29 to April 6