Partner Spotlight: Kaiser Permanente

Rent and Refrigerators

This week we feature two success stories. There were twists and turns along the way, but as usual, God showed up in a big way.

Belinda was in trouble, but she thought that she had a way to pay her rental arrears. Unfortunately, the agency that was going to support her ran short of funds. A moment of hope suddenly turned to desperation. Eventually, she found her way to Kingdom Causes Bellflower (KCB), and we were able to help her with Kaiser Permanente Older Adults Flex Funds to get her back on track. Belinda said, “All I could do was pray and trust God that He would provide a way, and he did through Kingdom Causes Bellflower!” The journey continues for Belinda, but for now she can rest in knowing that she will have a safe place to call home, while also feeling empowered to address the rest of her bills.

For Dee, a leaky refrigerator was standing in her way of finding stable housing. Dee was able to qualify for a Section 8 voucher, but eligibility was contingent on an inspection. That inspection includes up-to-date appliances, so a troublesome fridge put her living situation in jeopardy. Again, KCB was able to use Kaiser Permanente Older Adults Flex Funds to get her a new refrigerator, combined with the Norwalk Rental Assistance program to help with housing. Dee said, “I want to thank the organization for going beyond helping me. I am so grateful to God for working through your organization. You have been an angel.”

For both individuals, the Older Adults Flex Funds were provided by a grant from Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center. Over the course of many years, KCB has enjoyed a tremendous partnership with the Downey Medical Center. Not only have they provided generous financial resources, but also supportive relationships and genuine interest in impactful community investment.

Despite Dee’s kind words, we aren’t angels at KCB. We are just regular people, sinners saved by grace. What we have is the privilege of serving our neighbors, and that usually includes the help from amazing partners such as Kaiser Permanente. On behalf of Belinda, Dee, so many others who’ve been assisted in the past, and future neighbors in need, we send a huge “Thank You” to Kaiser Permanente. KCB is grateful for this strong relationship and looks forward to partnering for many years to come.

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